Friday, February 13, 2009

Can Neosporin Be Used For Ringworms?

NEW: Software "CongesOnline" management leave and absences

Using "CongesOnline" is extremely simple:

- consult employees on the site "CongesOnline" their leave balances, RTT seniority, etc. ..
- They must file their applications directly to the new schedule graphic "CongesOnline"
- Their supervisor and receives an email and connects to "CongesOnline" to confirm, accept, reject or defer the requests of the employee
- Hierarchy then has all the schedules of its employees.
- The paymaster can extract monthly hours of absence, balances the ticket restaurant lists, etc. ..

For companies that do not have mailboxes for each employee or internal messaging, online messaging is integrated into "CongesOnline", accessible from any computer with internet connection.

This space also allows employees to communicate with their superiors direct or indirect, even if they have no personal or business email address, or if theres no internal directory.


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