Monday, February 18, 2008

Farmhouse Tables French


Dear Blogger, you know that we publish on this blog as a priority trade and contributions of our Hub Viadéo "Implementation of an HRM / GPEC in SMEs: Stages, solutions, costs and aid "

Here is our latest contribution to information:

" We produced in late 2007 a dozen modest contributions in key areas of HRM: Management Training Plan, Assessments, Management Skills, Careers, dashboards HRM. To keep track, we have grouped them, as you know, on a blog:

end of December 2007, we announced that in early 2008, we were considering take an industrial TEST 350 employees and assess the actual costs (minimum and maximum) of ESTABLISHMENT OF HRM / GPEC in such an enterprise: the average costs of the implementation of diagnosis, HR consulting, training, the computerization, etc. ... not to mention the extent of human resources dedicated to these operations in the company itself (measured in payroll).

It is obvious that one can not speak for example of outsourcing - a subject very fashionable if any - whether outsourcing HR software tools (own computer, ASP, Web Full , ...) or outsourcing all or part of the function HRD / HR Manager itself, if it was not a measure internal costs before and after the operation so one can not talk about the financial cost of an HRM / GPEC, without having made a complete turn aids as possible (OPCA, Local, State, Europe), just as it should find an average measure of the actual number of days of HR consulting and training to help advance the implementation of HRM / GPEC or analyze the performance and usability compared to logicielsRH of all backgrounds.

short, it is not easy to talk about "big sub" and grafted an additional difficulty as soon as you talk on Viadéo: most members of our Forums are HR consultants, HR Trainers, Editors HR software and HR / HR Manager have already made choices in HRM / GPEC, and therefore often competing, each defending its turf, which is normal. Ethics Viadéo finally is rightly quite fussy about the necessary separation between business and ideas!

That said, we must share in our community Viadéo HR and can not be reduced to a catalog of offerings and job applications or invitations to various conferences or business deals. Only a limited number of Hub Management-HR publish interesting contributions over a certain period.

We therefore propose to work instead on a list not limited to issues that the company must ask its suppliers during the implementation of HRM / GPEC; are concerned among others the above areas: audit, diagnosis, recommendations, advice, training, software, support, etc.. .. We must develop a kind of specification very open, forcing suppliers to financially justify the choices and options they offer.

For example, my provider, I offer a pay in ASP, which will cost X, but you will save Y in-house staff, or you need X 'days, tips for your GPEC without appropriate software and Y' with appropriate software, etc. .. or ...

To do this, it is clear that the company must do before preparatory work on its own organization and provide suppliers consulted a minimum of usable information, we can perhaps provide a framework

short, there of work to do! Thank you for sharing your opinion on this project. Start up

REFLECTION early March 2008. Regards "


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